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6 Back-to-School Tips for Kids with Asthma

6 Back-to-School Tips for Kids with Asthma

Your child is back in school, and you want to ensure you have a good plan to manage their asthma. Here are some invaluable tips that will go a long way toward that goal and your peace of mind.
Sep 19th, 2024
4 Strategies for Managing Hay Fever

4 Strategies for Managing Hay Fever

If you have hay fever or allergic rhinitis, now’s the time to redouble your efforts to keep the wheezing and sneezing to a minimum. Here are some best practices that can help you breathe easier.
Jun 19th, 2024
4 Potential Culprits Behind Your Hearing Loss

4 Potential Culprits Behind Your Hearing Loss

You may find yourself asking people to repeat themselves or really needing to concentrate when someone is talking. Hearing loss affects millions of Americans for a variety of reasons, which we explore here.
May 17th, 2024
Will My Child Grow Out of Ear Infections?

Will My Child Grow Out of Ear Infections?

It seems like your child is battling ear infection after ear infection, and you’re wondering whether they’ll grow out of these painful events. The short answer is probably, and here’s what we want you to know.
Apr 16th, 2024
Are My Treatment Options for Food Allergies?

What Are My Treatment Options for Food Allergies?

Millions of children and adults in the United States deal with food allergies that range from mild nuisances to life-threatening reactions. Here are some sound treatment and management practices.
Mar 6th, 2024

5 Signs of Sinusitis

To call sinusitis common is an understatement — there are a whopping 73 million sick days due to this condition each year in the United States. Do you know how to spot the signs of a sinus infection?
Feb 9th, 2024

How to Know If Your Child Has Sleep Apnea

Everyone benefits from a good night’s sleep, but kids especially need sleep during their developmental years. When a child has a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, they simply aren’t getting this crucial rest.
Jan 10th, 2024
Why Am I Having Difficulty Swallowing as an Adult?

Why Am I Having Difficulty Swallowing as an Adult?

You might think that problems with swallowing are only the domain of infants, but adults can also develop the issue for various reasons. If you’re finding swallowing difficult, read on to learn more.
Nov 2nd, 2023

Are Nasal Polyps Serious?

As serious medical conditions go, nasal polyps may not rank terribly high, but they can be problematic. Here’s a look at these common growths and what we can do if they grow past the nuisance phase.
Oct 4th, 2023
A Comprehensive Guide to Allergy Testing

A Comprehensive Guide to Allergy Testing

Sniffling, sneezing, wheezing, rashes — you’ve developed some symptoms that lead you to believe you’ve joined the millions of Americans with allergies. Your next step is to come see us for testing.
Sep 6th, 2023
Recovering from Sinus Surgery: What to Expect

Recovering from Sinus Surgery: What to Expect

You’re undergoing sinus surgery to improve your breathing and are anxious to get to your final results. Recovering from sinus surgery requires a little patience, which pays off when you can breathe freely.
Aug 7th, 2023
Why Does My Child Keep Getting Sore Throats?

Why Does My Child Keep Getting Sore Throats?

One-third of kids get a sore throat at least once a year, so it’s safe to say that sore throats are just part of childhood. Persistent, frequent, and/or painful sore throats, however, are not, and here’s what might be behind them.
Jul 10th, 2023
Snoring: What's Normal and Not When It Comes to Your Kids

Snoring: What's Normal and Not When It Comes to Your Kids

A cold makes its way through your household, and nighttime is far from quiet as your kids snore due to congestion. Or, maybe every night is a noisy affair thanks to snoring. Here’s what you should know about kids and snoring.
May 10th, 2023

Warning Signs Your Child Might Have Hearing Loss

Identifying health issues in children, especially infants, and toddlers, can be tricky, given communication barriers. This is certainly true of hearing loss, which is why looking for these markers can help.
Apr 3rd, 2023
Diagnosing Allergies: Blood Test vs. Skin Testing

Diagnosing Allergies: Blood Test vs. Skin Testing

You suspect that you or a loved one is among the millions of Americans with allergies. The best way to find out is to undergo allergy testing, and there are several ways we can go about it.
Feb 10th, 2023
Why Children Are More Prone to Ear Infections

Why Children Are More Prone to Ear Infections

Four out five children will develop at least one ear infection before their third birthday. Ear infections in infants and kids are commonplace, and we explore why this is and what we can do about them.
Nov 2nd, 2022
Sleep Apnea — Far More Than Snoring

Sleep Apnea — Far More Than Snoring

Most of us snore from time to time due to a common cold, allergies, or a late night out with friends. The snoring that comes with sleep apnea, however, is an altogether different and potentially serious issue.
Sep 6th, 2022
6 Common Signs of a Food Allergy

6 Common Signs of a Food Allergy

Approximately 32 million kids and adults in the United States have food allergies, and that number is on the rise. To help you identify a potential food allergy, we outline some of the more common signs.
Aug 1st, 2022
Recognizing the Signs of Early Hearing Loss

Recognizing the Signs of Early Hearing Loss

Approximately 15% of adults in the United States have some hearing difficulties, and the problem tends to get worse with age. Here are some signs of early hearing loss and what we can do to help you hear clearly again.
Jul 3rd, 2022
How Immunotherapy Offers Long-Term Allergy Relief

How Immunotherapy Offers Long-Term Allergy Relief

Like millions of others, you have allergies that have no small impact on your life. While you do the best you can to manage the allergies, you want a longer-term solution, which may be found in immunotherapy. Here’s how.
May 10th, 2022

ENT Scopes

A lot is assumed, but little is known, about ear, nose and throat endoscopy. Many medical specialists use endoscopes to visualize areas that are difficult or impossible to examine with the naked eye.
Mar 2nd, 2021
Epistaxis (Aka Nosebleeds)

Epistaxis (Aka Nosebleeds)

What is epistaxis? It’s the doctor word for nosebleeds, because doctors have to have a special word for everything. It’s literally when, well, blood comes out of the nose. It’s a simple idea, but it can be a complex problem.
May 14th, 2020


OK, first off, this is a daunting topic. There are many different causes of headaches, and to make matters more complicated, there are combination headaches of several types.
May 11th, 2020
The Green Driveway

The Green Driveway

Wait! I thought my driveway was black asphalt. Well, it is for most of the year, but suddenly, it has a distinct green sheen. What’s going on? It’s springtime in Southeastern Virginia, and the trees are pollinating.
Apr 14th, 2020

To Our Patient Patients

We are continuing to provide allergy shots and office visits during this peak allergy season. In an effort to help you maintain good health, we are minimizing the use of our waiting room.
Mar 30th, 2020

Status Update (COVID-19)

Hello, all! We hope that you are staying safe. We are still open and happy to continue serving your ENT and allergy needs.
Mar 18th, 2020

Sinus Infections

One of the most common complaints seen in an ENT office is the reported sinus infection. Symptoms include congestion, headache, runny nose and post nasal drip. Oh, but wait. Those symptoms are also seen with colds and allergies.
Dec 12th, 2018

In-office Surgeries

In recent years, there has been a push to perform more surgeries in the office setting. Most of these are modifications of procedures performed in the operating room with IV sedation or general anesthesia.
Aug 14th, 2018

Got the Itch?

Few conditions are more annoying than urticaria, better known as hives. Not only can these little welts be uncomfortable and unsightly, they can also be a sign of a more serious medical condition.
Jun 13th, 2018

Make the Nose Great Again

Some time ago, we discussed the nasal airway and ways to improve air flow. We covered both over the counter and prescription medications to help you breathe better.
Dec 8th, 2017

Tonsil Stones – Are They Real?

I’ve often found it interesting when patients complain they have tonsil stones, considering that tonsil stones don’t really exist. Well, they’re not actually stones.
Jun 26th, 2017

Persistent Cough

One of the most annoying symptoms to ruin a patient’s day is the persistent cough. It is not limited to any particular time of the year.
Dec 20th, 2016